Present: Paul Roodenrys, Colin Bradley, Lance Robertson, Mal Campbell esq., Mic Wade, Mick Simpson, Martin Elfernick, Roger Martin, Bruce Adams, Kevin Roberts, Tony Moses, Andrew Buckley, Rob Hanna, Mick Lendrum, Sholto Hayes, Mike Hammond, Greg nelson, Rod Barrett, Michael Callahan, Tony Holland, Ricjard Robertson, Jeff Cohen, Bill Fleming, Kevin Tubb, Rod Broadhead, Paul Hurley, John Pisani, John Diaz, David Henderson, David Wilson.
Apologies: Mike Hammond, Col Sims, Peter Coad, Brett MacMahon, David Bonillo
Meeting Opened:Â Rod Barrett 7:03 pm
Minutes: Accepted Andrew B sec Mal Campbell.
Treasurer’s Report by Greg Nelson:
Rediaccess Account:Â $1092.26
Debit Card Account:Â $253.34
Rescue Account: $2756.82
Total:Â $4102.42
$319 John Diaz reimbursement for Christmas
$165.16 Kevin Roberts for Christmas
Greg advised he wouldn’t be standing for treasurer again, asked for people to consider nominating.
Membership Report by Rob Hanna:
140 members, 7 still outstanding. Rob has chased up to no avail but still finds it hard to connect with some members. Responsibility is for members to chase up receipt if it doesn’t arrive. He does his best but cannot be held responsible if he can’t contact them.
Conversation regarding signing books, suggested we fill out book regardless of club run or not to avoid possible issues with police not understanding the system.
New Members:
Mike Hammond Royal Enfield 500, XT 250 (ex Col Simms bike).
Mic Wade. Hasn’t ridden for 40 years, XT 250 to start riding again.
Ride Reports:
Dirty Riders – 200 km loop Goodman’s Ford, Wombeyan Caves, Swallow Tail. Phil rode his road bike, photos to be on club page.
Araluen Ride – 6 riders, excellent ride, short dirt section followed by lunch.
Coffee Ride to KV – About a dozen riders, half a dozen classics.
Mic Simpson and DaveWilson – rode to Bombala, Bega, Mount Beauty, Hotham down the coast. Hint: avoid the dirt road pass from Bomballa to Bega!
Upcoming Rides:
18 Feb Taralga Crookwell loop next Modern Bike Ride. Lunch at Crookwell. Meet at MV clock. 18/2/24
24 Feb Rylstone Saturday and Sunday. O’Connel Pub for lunch Saturday. Rockley Pub for lunch on Sunday. Numbers to Rod asap.
Stickers: Better quality sticker, reflective. Rod will investigate.
Richard Website:Â Forum instructions out, not many have signed up yet.Â
Other Business:
Goulburn 100 Year AnniversaryÂ
Jeff Cohen contacted Goulburn club. Goulburn has the situation in control. Jeff has a friend who has a connection to the early event.
Does the club get officially involved or just turn up and enjoy? Put up club tent and flag and display some bikes. More to come as we get more information. Issue to be discussed further before event in June. Rod will put it on club calendar as 3 day event. Jeff to investigate further. Â
Stay Upright:Â John Diaz: March 10, $449, expressions of interest at Pheasants Wood. Advanced riding course day.Â
Greg:Â Â Some technical books available due to shed cleanout.
Numberplate surrounds, about 20 left. See Rod, pay Greg cash or transfer into account.
Meeting closed: 7:43 pm. Â