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Club Minutes – September 2023



Paul Roodenrys, Michael Callaghan, John Ogden, Anthony Holland, Andrew Buckley, Pat Rowley, Robin Genero, Joe Fishburn, Chris Balvin, Mik Dubokovich, David Henderson, Nick Tomlinson, James Baldwin, Kevin Roberts, Colin Sims, Graham McAndrew, Rob Hanna, Dennis Buys, Neal Toovey, Garry Jeffery, Richard Robertson, John Diaz, Colin Bradley, Tony Moses, Jeff Cohen, Bruce Adams, Roger Martin, Stephen Gee, Howard Trevithick, Bill Fleming, Greg Nelson, Rod Barrett, John Pisani, Lance Robertson.


Allan Whiting, Mal Campbell, Mick Simpson, Greg Roberts, Mick Lendrum, Alan Bird, Brett McMahon, David Bonillo, Phred Maloney.

Meeting Opened: Rod Barret 7:07pm


Accepted Col/ Mik D

Treasurers Report by Greg Nelson:

Rediaccess Account: $3027.40

Debit Card Account: $439.34

Rescue Account: $3,007.09

Total: $6473.83


  • $1643 outgoing for training

  • $575.00 food


Commonwealth Bank account did not prove suitable for a variety of reasons including difficulty of transactions, decision made to stay with Bendigo Bank. To get a similar account we would be charged fees.


140 members, 2 new members paperwork in not yet paid, 5 who have not yet been crossed of list. 2 current applications.

New members:

Howard Z900 ’76 model, GT750 water cooled Suzuki, 650 katana.


Forum is up and running for buy, sell, swap and chat. Set up and active but wait for go ahead to register. A few issues need sorting. There will be moderators to approve content and register for access, only open to club members. Members will be asked to pull down their listing when item sold or otherwise fulfilled.

Ride Reports:

  • Coffee run to Kangaroos Valley, nice run into the Valley and back.

  • John Diaz and Col headed north to visit Duncan, Paul Hahn met up on his way south on GS. Did most of the good bike roads and had a terrific time.

  • Mik D Went to broken Hill (again). Went for a ride with his 90 year old dad who rode his outfit. Got caught in snow at Black Springs.12 hours to Broken Hill on a bike, Mik does it in 2 days of 600 kms per day. Highlands to Hay or Cobar and then to Broken Hill. Mik’s trumpy has 160000 kms on it. Still going strong.

  • Andrew Good SHiT ride, 8 bikes to Bundanoon via Fitroy Falls.

Upcoming rides: Dirt ride Tuesday 12/9, old bike ride Thursday ride 14/9, Sunday 17/9 Ride Possibly to Tarago. Keep an eye on your emails for more details.

New Bikes/Old Bikes/Restos:

Greg sold his 1963 BMW. The buyer wanted to ride it home, said it had a good ‘vibe’. Got a permit and was followed by a lady, he had a similar bike in ’74. Wanted an old bike. Forgot his bike gloves so bought a pair of gardening gloves from Aldi. Saturday night Greg gets a text from buyer: Very happy with the bike, got home to Lockhart, bought new leather gloves along the way, 600km trip. Greg felt it was a good example of stepping outside your comfort zone. Greg also reported on his trail bike that he discovered was rebirthed. Police are unable to find any details about his bike. Will go to court to argue his case for keeping the bike.

Christmas Function:

  • Locked in for Sunday December 10th

  • Conversation re venue. Rod: breakfast at Schmokin’ or lunchtime carvery at Schmokin’.

  • Rod called for other ideas/ venues.

  • Kevin: Dormey House baked dinner $25 per head. Not overly encouraged by venue. Bundanoon Club nice place but expensive $26 hamburger, Barrumundi chips $44. Noe believes Schmokin’ is the go.

  • Mik D supports Schmokin and it has nothing to do with him living at Berrima.

  • Rod Moved we do breakfast on December 10 at Scmokin’, 9.00pm and ride afterwards. Seconded by Paul and passed unanimously.

General Business:


  • Mik D recommends Highlands Cobbler Valentinos Antoniou. 0426724748

  • email:

Number Plate Surrounds

  • Denis has suggested we get club number plate surrounds, members expressed interest, perhaps club would subsidise part of cost. Historic plate size and normal plate size.


  • See Rob Hannah

Feedback on first aid for motorcyclists

  • Very worthwhile course, enjoyable as well as informative.

  • Opened people’s eyes to the needs of a motorcycle accident.

  • Possibly offer course again in 12 months time.

  • Rob spoke about how members need to let others know of medical conditions that could effect them.

  • Kevin said excellent presenters, suggested letter to club thanking them for the room

  • Rod thanked them in person.

Other Business:

  • Pat Rowley: Re membership form, should we put on form disclosure of medical issues? Optional but could be valuable.

  • Reiterated the need for ride planning, first aid kit, lead rider, destination, meetup points etc. Contact number, check if every rider arrived home. We’re better than we used to be at ride protocol.

  • Rod spoke about a ‘club grants application’ which allows us free use of the club. An initiative of NSW Clubs.

Meeting Closed: 7:56pm. Next Meeting 09/10/23.

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