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President's Report – January 2025

Thanks everyone for attending last night’s meeting, I think it was the best attended January meeting ever.

There are a couple of areas of concern re conduct of members raised with me over the last couple of weeks that we covered last night but I’ll mention them again here.


The first regards tailgating on rides, a couple of riders have expressed concern over this practice, so be mindful that we aren’t a bunch of Hells Angels who think it’s cool to ride in each others pockets, leave a gap or you may be pulled aside for a quiet word.


The second regards the recovery service, the guidelines are on the website and have been covered to death in the meetings. If you want to put in a claim you need to get a receipt from the towing service at the time, claims put in after the event without supporting paperwork won’t be accepted. Similarly, if you sling your mate a carton of beer or some petrol money for helping you out you should be prepared to do that on your own, and be thankful you have good friends rather than have to call on a towing service.


And the last thing I wanted to have a whinge about was members carrying on loud side conversations in meetings, the last two meetings ended in shambles with so much noise that no one could hear what was going on. It’s bad enough for everyone that I mumble without trying to hear over an unruly mob. Having said that you all kept it down at last night’s meeting and we got through a bunch of stuff pretty painlessly, and I thank everyone attending for your attention and co operation.


We are looking to have eftpos facilities available from next month to pay for club fees for the upcoming year, the treasurer and membership secretary will be able to use voodoo magic to accept cards via their phones. There will be a modest surcharge of 1.6%  (or 56 cents on a membership renewal) to use this facility, or you can still pay via bank transfer or cash.


We have acquired a first aid kit and defibrillator that will be used on club rides, so look out for that, and please if you haven’t already check out how to use the defibrillator at:


We are looking at running a first aid course again mid year, it will be subsidised by the club, further details to come.


We had a big response to calls for the club flouro vests to be brought in with none being returned. If anyone has any can they bring them either next meeting or to Mick Lendrum’s SHIT ride


This Sunday’s big ride starts at 9am from Roberson Pie Shop, not the main street of Moss Vale, proceeding through Kangaroo Valley, Nowra (aboriginal for armpit), Nerriga then somewhere for lunch, in time honoured Hardman tradition it’s unsure if it will be Tarago or Goulburn or somewhere else. Or not.


The Thursday rides are on the 16th and 30th leaving Bradman oval at 9:30, and Mick Lendrum’s always excellent SHIT ride is on Wednesday 29th.


Cars and Coffee is on SATURDAY the 25th, in Berrima, Sunday being Australia day.


And Sunday 2nd February is the coffee ride leaving around 9:45 from the clock in the main street of Moss Vale, and as per last month ladies are welcome.


As always check your emails leading up to the rides as times may vary due to summer conditions with some rides being attended by penguins and snow men who will melt in the heat and thus may leave earlier than usual.


Till then Ride Well

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